How CBT Helps

One of the most frequently used techniques in mental health treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. CBT is a form of talk therapy that addresses how our thoughts impact our emotional state which then directs our behaviors. It is used to treat a variety of problematic behaviors. Since the 1960s, the founder of CBT …

Impact of Being an Entrepreneur on Your Mental Health

Entrepreneurs are faced with the task of being their own boss. For many, this may sound like a blessing, yet the motivation necessary to start a business tends to also have a dark side. A strong internal critical voice that is never satisfied will make even the most successful entrepreneur focus on their flaws and …

3 Tips to Stay Balanced While Having a Side Hustle

For a variety of reasons, one may find the need to add a side hustle to their full-time work. It may be a passion project they’ve always dreamed of doing or creating their own business on the side until it is financially profitable. Understandably adding more to one’s plate can lead to increased stress and …

Why It’s Hard to Implement Professional Advice

People often reach out to a therapist as a last resort. At a certain point, the discomfort of staying stuck becomes strong enough to push one to seek the support of a professional. Getting help from a professional is a great step towards reaching one’s goals. Yet there are common roadblocks that can derail the …

Self-care for Healing Professionals During the Holidays

As the holiday season is fast approaching, it is important for those working in helping professions to prioritize or add to their self-care routine. As care providers, we are more regularly exposed to the realities of life; the highs but more often the lows. While we work hard to support others in finding a sense …

Understanding ADHD

Many associate ADHD with young children, often boys, who cannot sit still and require medication such as Ritalin. Unfortunately, this generalization leaves many girls undiagnosed and thus not able to receive the support they deserve. As they continue to grow into adulthood, this lack of understanding by themselves, teachers, and family members creates an environment …


When we reflect on our early childhood experiences with food, it can provide clarity on why unhealthy patterns we developed are so hard to break. Examining Your Family’s Relationship with Food An eating disorder can develop for a variety of reasons, including the environment we grew up in and our parental figure’s own relationship with …

Living a Value-Oriented Life

How Do Your False Beliefs Influence Your Behavior? False beliefs often make you feel that you are not good enough, smart enough, or have enough “willpower” to overcome your eating disorder. It is common to have the knowledge of what you’ll need to change in order to obtain or maintain recovery, yet the tools are just as necessary …

SMART Goals for Eating Disorder Recovery

Setting goals in the recovery process can be both rewarding and daunting at the same time. If you make your goals too broad, then you risk the chance of giving up early in light of not achieving what you set out to achieve. However, by implementing SMART goal techniques, you can incrementally achieve smaller, yet …